Here are answers to some common questions. 
  • What is Balance Pro?

    Balance Pro is a Pilates based approach to exercise encompassing all the knowledge and techniques I have learnt along the way in my varied professional sporting career.

    Balance Pro can also help clients in all aspects of health, fitness, rehabilitation and to an extent their lifestyle; to create balance.

  • Can anyone do it?

    Yes! Quite literally anyone. The beauty about working with Balance Pro and utilising the reformer and Pilates based principles is that whatever your physical ability, you can benefit from the method. You could be an Olympic athlete, you could be recovering from an injury, you could be young or old, it does not matter, you will profit. 

  • What are the benefits?

    The reformer and Pilates based principles offers a wealth of benefits, almost too many to list! Benefits can include:

    - increase in overall strength

    -increase in mobility and flexibility of your limbs, with increased control over these also

    -increase in coordination

    -increase in balance 

    For most, these improvements will manifest themselves in your everyday tasks, such as walking up and down the stairs pain free, lifting small children pain free, or enabling you to participate in amateur or competitive sport again. These things in turn lead to daily life improvements like better posture, graceful efficient movement, and for many, relief from pain associated with physical imbalances such as back pain. Flat abs, strong backs, toned buttocks and thighs are all results of this emphasis.

  • I think I am too old to start exercise now. It has been years since I last did anything.

    You are never too old to start!  Balance Pro had the pleasure of teaching a client in her 90’s who had just had a hip replacement. She came in on crutches, and by the end of the course she was quite literally bounding out of the studio. Everyone is welcome at Balance Pro. 

  • I am a national/international athlete, can you help me?

    Yes. Balance Pro comes with the experience of an international sports woman in variety of sports. There are no limits to whom Balance Pro can help. In the past Balance Pro has trained international athletes, trained actresses for movie roles along with high standard amateur athletes. Balance Pro also works with a variety of trusted partners and can help evaluate every aspect of your training, lifestyle, nutrition and mental abilities.

  • Is this the best form of exercise around?

    I would never claim to be the best trainer or have the best form of exercise. After all what is someone’s dream activity could be someone else’s nightmare.  People are all unique and work in different ways. Balance Pro’s aim is to maximize each client’s potential and help them achieve their goals, by taking time to establish a client’s needs and create a plan which is sustainable for them. Balance Pro is the total opposite of a fad. Balance Pro does not believe in crazy diets and crazy exercise regimes. Balance Pro believes in everything in moderation. Everything in balance. And that balance will be different for everyone depending on their own lives and aspirations.

  • I really love cardio workouts, is this cardio?

    Whilst this method is not massively cardio orientated, there are certain cardio elements involved. We can also advise on the best forms of cardio to compliment your Balance Pro sessions if you wish.

  • I am seeing a Chiropractor and they said I should do Pilates, can I come to Balance Pro?

    Yes. With your approval we can also liaise with your practitioner to ensure we are all working together to achieve optimal results.

  • I have a bad back and exercise always makes it worse. Will Balance Pro make it worse?

    Sometimes this is because people embark upon the wrong type of exercise, sometimes this is because the technique used is incorrect, and sometimes a sensation of discomfort can worsen slightly before it gets better.  At Balance Pro it is a one to one environment so we can really establish the cause of the problem and start fixing it. However, if we cannot establish the problem or feel there are other issues, we have a network of trusted partners that we work closely with including, physios, chiropractors, osteopaths, nutritionists and many more. Balance Pro will always refer for the best form of treatment, even if that means going to see someone else. You are the priority.

  • Is it expensive?

    That depends on the value you put on the one and only body you will have in this life. Naturally due to the equipment involved and the fact the sessions are one to one, it can be cost prohibitive for some people, however please drop us an e-mail to find out more on pricing or see our pricing page.

  • Are there group sessions?

    Balance Pro is currently developing classes for studios which will be coming soon! So please keep checking back for information.

  • Will I get the figure of my favorite celebrity?

    At Balance Pro we actively encourage clients not to compare themselves to someone else. Every human has a different body, different mindset, different goals and has a different life. Balance Pro focusses on getting the best for you.  Getting strong. Being in balance. Of course, this usually goes hand in hand with flatter abs, more muscle tone, improved posture and shape, but we focus more on how it makes us feel. The feeling of being stronger, the feeling of increased mobility, the pleasure that arises from increased movement and abilities to do more. An improved figure is a bi product!

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